What is Communism?

Communist Leaders

Chairman Mao, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin surround themselves with children to look more friendly.



What is Communism? Communism is the government ownership of farms, industries, stores, transportation, public services, schools, news media, censored internet, energy, labor, and military all in the name of the people. Communist theology explains all mans ails derive from wealth and material greed. A dictator/monarchy is in the seat of power. Officials are not elected. Communist regimes are Atheists. Dr. Martin Luther King said, “for the Communist there is no divine government, no absolute moral order, there are no fixed, immutable principles; consequently almost anything – force, violence, murder, lying – is a justifiable means.”

Histories most notorious Communist leaders are Moa Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin. Moa Zedong, established the People’s Republic of China, is the most prolific mass murder being directly and indirectly responsible for nearly 80 million deaths. Male offspring were viewed with prestige and innumerable unborn female fetuses were slaughtered. Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”, governments take over of agriculture and industry, led to a 3 year famine he created. Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” was a means to eliminate opposition to his ideology. Millions were murdered by his Red Guards. Chairman Mao’s most well know quote is “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”.

Vladimir Lenin became the dictator of Russia in 1918 by master minding the coup of the Provisional Government. Joseph Stalin was one of his supporters. Lenin created a political religion. Government had the rite to absolute power and was not to be questioned. Political opposition, ideological rivals, and classes deemed undesirable were exterminated. Lenin’s leadership created an atmosphere having a mysterious power that suggests the presence of a spirit or god. Lenin enacted the New Economic Policy, a system of state capitalism. Two of Lenin’s most infamous quotes are >”A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” And “The best revolutionary is youth devoid of morals.”

In 1928, Joseph Stalin enacted his “Five Year Plan” to build socialism and to “catch and overtake” the capitalist world. Stalin’s collectivization of agriculture in the Ukraine and across Russia, farmers were exiled or killed and the land taken over by the government. It is estimated 11 million people were killed while 20 million starved. Stalin’s purge of spies loyal to capitalist arrested 3 million and executed 750,000. Torturous interrogations sent most of those arrested to work camps for their crimes being worked to death. 25 million Russians died during World War II. Soviet POW’s were sent to the Gulags. Single crop farming in 1947, killed 2 million. Stalin was hailed as the savior of the Soviet Union. Stalin was often photographed surrounded by children. “Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?” ~ Joseph Stalin

Millions of innocent people have been murdered by their government and will continue to die. Countries today are committing democide. Democide is the premeditated killing of a person or causing the death of a person through reckless and wanton disregard for their life. Incarcerating people to deadly conditions is murder. Forced labor that kills is murder. Government created famines is murder. Christians are being incarcerated and murdered by their governments, today.

What is Socialism?

What is Marxism?

What is a Democracy?

What is a Constitutional Republic?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Mart...

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Joachim Prinz pictured, 1963 (Photo credit: Center for Jewish History, NYC)

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream is far from fruition. Dr. King spoke of 100 years of past and what his vision for our future could be. We are 50 years since his historic “Million Man March”. How far have civil rights come for Dr. King’s Negros?

Negros are classified as African Americans, now. Our national unemployment rate for African Americans is 14% while our national average hovers around 8%. The Center for Disease Control reports approximately 4,000 abortions are performed daily in the United States, 1452 of them are upon African American women. African Americans make up 12% of the population but 35% of abortions performed. Ever wonder way Planned Parenthood Clinics are overwhelmingly located in minority neighborhoods? Public high schools in America have a 45% African American dropout rate. Graduating African Americans are functionally illiterate with an 11% proficiency in math and 13% in reading. Funny, Democratic Progressive controlled education system views the breakdown in our educational system due to a lack of funding.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Nothing is so much needed as a secure family life for a people to pull themselves out of poverty.”
The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%. Our welfare state works against families struggling to stand on their own. Food stamps, section-8 housing, Medicaid, day care and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families are penalized by marriage. An unwed mother receives far more welfare. African American homeowners were financially devastated by the progressive equality push of the subprime mortgage crash in 2008. African Americans lost 53% of their net worth. Democratic President Jimmy Carter made into law the Community Reinvest Act that mushroomed into far reaching implementation of government control in the banking sector.

Democrats governed the 10 most dangerous cities in America in 2011. Detroit, the nation’s most dangerous city for the fourth consecutive year, the second most dangerous city was St. Louis. Third was Oakland. Fourth was Memphis. Fifth was Birmingham. Sixth was Atlanta, dominated by Democrats since 1923. Seventh was Baltimore. Eighth was Stockton. Ninth was Cleveland and tenth was Buffalo. 1,184 people died as a result of homicide, another 2,306 were raped, and 26,286 were victims of robbery. A majority of these victims were black and Hispanic, as were the perpetrators. All ten cities were controlled politically by Democrats. After New York City elected Republican Rudolph Giuliani as mayor in 1994, Giuliani transformed New York City into the safest big city in America by adopting a zero-tolerance approach to crime-fighting.

Dr. King measured a man by the content of his character, not the color of his skin. Dr. King lived his life by the principles of God and the civil rights of the Constitution of the United States of America. Our nation’s civil rights are being destroyed by Democratic Progressive policies of social justice, equality, and tolerance. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican and Democrats have perverted Dr. King’s principles into something unrecognizable. They do not want “We the people” to remember the true history of the civil rights movement of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. dream.




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What is a Democracy?

Egyptian President Morisi

Egyptian President Morisi

What is a Democracy? A democracy is ruled by the tyranny of the majority. Democracy is an idealized utopian concept of a fair and just society of universal freedoms. Democratic practices presume a balance between elected power and the will of the people. Protections of the individuals’ rights are not guaranteed under a democracy. The majority rules to benefit itself at the expense of the minority. An example of a democracy today is Egypt. The majority voting block of the Egyptian society is Islamic. Christians are the minority. Under this Islam rule, Christians are allowed to be gunned down in the streets or bombed in their churches. During the course of the “fiscal cliff” debacle, many talking heads spewed forth the repeated declaration of democracy. Evidentially, the lawmakers upon Capital Hill do not have clue as to their representation of all the people they were elected to office to serve in our Republic.


What is a Constitutional Republic?

What is a Constitutional Republic? A Constitutional Republic has representatives elected of the people to govern by Constitutional laws limiting the government’s power over its citizenry. A Republic is controlled by law, recognizing the sovereignty of each private individual, and to limit tyranny of the majority. The United States Constitution protects “We the people” against tyranny of the majority with many our Constitutional Amendments.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


Section 4.

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic built upon a system of checks and balances through our three branches of our government. Our current administration proclaims to be a Democracy. There is a difference.




Fiscal Cliff

Socialism in American Government. The secret is out!

Socialism in American Government. The secret is out!

Fiscal Cliff?

Democrats would only be too happy to push America off the cliff.  Why would they compromise when they could have everything they want and more? Oh, their jubilee in having the Republicans to blame.

First American dictator by executive fiat.

First American dictator by executive fiat.

Orator Obama campaigned on raising taxes to bring in $8oo billion dollars of new revenue for the Federal government to spend over the next ten years as part of his “balanced budget approach” of “fair share”. At no time did Obama mention where the cuts to spending will occur in this “balanced approach”. I was listening. Obama’s current “balanced budget approach” was brought to the house by way of tax cheat Treasury Secretary Geithner. Now, $1.6 trillion in new taxes, $50 billion in new stimulus spending, $30 billion to extended unemployment benefits, death tax rate increased to 45% on estates and farms worth $3.5 million or more, and the audacity to rid the Federal government of having to ask congress for permission to raise the debt ceiling. Where are the cuts to spending? “Down the road”. Reagan traveled down that road and met with a dead-end.Margaret Thatcher

The first two months of Fiscal year 2013 our Federal government spent $638 billion. $346 billion was collected in revenue. Simply put, we borrowed 46 cents for every dollar we spent.  Revenue (taxes) comes from people going to work everyday. Taxes are collected from paychecks, the Federal tax on gas, and other money people spend. November Bureau of Labor Statistics data states 143,262,000 Americans were employed. Great, 847,000 people found work since June. Where are the jobs?  621,000 of the 847,000 Americans were employed by federal, state and local governments. Nice. Dwindling numbers of the American work force are supporting the expansion of government salaries. Margaret Thatcher had once said, “The only problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” Revenue is not the problem, being over regulated and spending is.

Socialism out of the closet...

Socialism out of the closet…



Obama is not the sole owner in the responsibility of our nation’s decline but, put it on steroids. “Democracy” running unchecked for decades has brought us to where we are today. Lyndon Banes Johnson’s (D), Major Great Society Programs ravaged our economy within years of its implementation. LBJ wanted our nation “to build a great society, a place where the meaning of man’s life matches the marvels of man’s labor.”  Nixon (R) gave us Executive Order 11615 ending the Gold Standard to begin printing borrowed money from The Federal Reserve and the Environmental Protection Agency to further global initiatives.  Carter (D) stated, “President Barack Obama will help foster a fairer, stronger, more prosperous, and inclusive America if re-elected. “ Enough said. GW Bush (R) raised taxes and expanded government.Clinton (D) got into the White House the same way Obama did. Little was known about him and the media backed him. Clinton set into motion the housing bubble by the expansion of HUD. Clinton established the Clinton Foundation for Global Initiatives to pursue Global Governance. Clinton will be remembered as the president who survived impeachment after a several sex scandals. GHW Bush (R) expanded government and nationalized our countries banking institutions. The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy.



Racism is not as prevalent among ordinary everyday Americans as the “tolerant and diverse” Democratic Progressive Party wants to make us believe it is. Being labeled as a racist is an incendiary accusation that taints the recipient regardless of cause. The cries of racism from the political left are a part of politics. Obama’s 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns shoved the fear of being labeled a racist down our throats if we did not vote for him. Hollywood stars come out to proclaim their support for Obama because he is black. The whole “Republicans are racist” game is getting tired and ridiculous. The political left can find racism everywhere. Peanut butter and jelly is racist. Americans that like white turkey meat were made to feel guilty. If you are opposed to the “Progressive Movement” you are called racist. Small government believers are condemned as being uncaring. You are racist to oppose Susan Rice for being dispatched by the White House to scam Americans. Susan Rice was chosen to be used as a pawn for race baiting backlash. Our government controlled media is downright absurd and no amount of finger-pointing is reporting current events. When Chris Matthews, Toure, and the MSNBC gang of finger-pointers have no legitimate or intellectual response they call you a racist. If you support the Black caucus are you racist? If you shop on black Friday are you racist? If I support Alan West and not Charlie Rangel am I racist? Martin Luther King Jr. believed in the content of ones character and not the color of his. When will the tolerant and diverse party become inclusive?


What is the Electoral College?


The Electoral College is the process by which our President and Vice President get chosen. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. Electors are chosen at their state party conventions. Electors are usually selected as recognition of their dedication for their political party. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to be elected the President. Your state’s entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your Senators. Each state’s, except Maine and Nebraska, winning candidate is awarded all the state’s electoral votes.

The Electoral College was created for two reasons. First, our founding fathers wanted to give states with smaller populations an equal representation and to avoid tyranny of the majority. There are critics to the use of the electoral process. An electoral map shows each state’s electoral votes. The electoral process allows for a candidate to have won a national popular vote but lose to the electoral.

America is under attack…

United We Stand

America is under attack from our government. Our President has committed treason and “We the people” need to stop further degradation of our founding principles. Our Constitution has been trampled upon. Destabilizing America has been perpetrated against the United States of America for decades. Thanks to the internet’s freedom of speech and expression, Americans have been blessed to educate “We the people” of the scam.

The eleven year anniversary of 9/11 was a sad day for America. Moodys announced of a possible down grade, President Obama declined to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, the “Fed” contemplating QE3, and the United States embassies in Egypt and Libya come under attack.

Progressives want Global Governance. President Obama, “citizen of the world”, will not discuss Islamic extremism as a threat to our nation. Billions of taxpayer dollars have been given to nations that “Jihad is their way”. The Muslim Brotherhood was given a party at our White House. An American citizen was sentence to death without due process. Drone executions are being used instead of capture.

We must know of what is going on behind closed doors! Our current administration voted in favor of United Nations Resolution 16/18 against “Religious Intolerance” on December 19, 2011. cairo-embassy-statement-in-tune-with-obama-u-n-resolutionThe Head of our State Department, Hillary Clinton, Democratic Progressive, wanted to give over of nation’s sovereignty to the United Nations by enacting global governance of gun control. Remember the Fast & Furious scandal? Thank God, for the NRA exposing our administrations intention to disarm the American people. Mrs. Clinton has also decried of America’s crimes against humanity.



Do your homework.

Election 2012

Election 2012 Presidential candidate is a clear choice. It is not about politics. It is about history. We are our children’s first teachers and our nation’s founding principles hang in the balance. E pluribus Unum is the motto of the United States of America. The translation from Latin is out of many, one. Each and every individual is vital to our nation and we the people determine the path to follow. Our forefathers warned of our today within our Constitution. Our nation is has reached a cross-road.

Our nation’s difficulties are a culmination of ideological “fairness” being infused into our nation’s governance over past decades. I have heard our president refer to himself “as a citizen of the world” in an address to a graduating class of West Point Cadets. One would expect the President of the United States of America to be a citizen of the United States of America. President Obama spoke of his vision for America’s future in his Democratic Presidential nomination acceptance speech. Our President spoke the same flowery words that he has spoken so many times before. I was saddened for our nation by a parade of women propagating a non war on women. Democrats today are not the same people I watched from the kids table discussing political issues. I am a registered female Independent voter.  

Our nation’s third largest school district’s teachers unions going on strike in Chicago, IL, is an excellent learning opportunity. Our nation’s public schools are funded by the taxpayer’s government dollars and our schools are run by the teachers unions. The teachers unions contribute to the Democratic Party with taxpayer dollars. These teachers’ unions’ teachers’ salaries are paid by the people. The average salary of the people is half of what unions already demand they pay the average teacher. The unions turned down an offer of a 16% increase. A demand for a 35% pay increase, no teacher evaluations to be conducted, and no contributing of their own made to supplement their medical benefits is what the teachers unions want for the children.

400,000 students attend our places of learning in Chicago, every day. School libraries are not available to our elementary students attending these public schools.  Music and art are not taught. Gym is only available at the high school level. Teachers do not use red pens to grade with any more. Students no longer get left behind they are socially progressed. Public School is becoming a place of daycare and not learning. We have no outrage from our President, “Mom –in-chief” or Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D) on the absence of gym class. No outrage for our children’s inability to borrow a book from their school’s library.  Chicago is not the only major city not offering gym, music, or art to our children. Homeschooled and charter schooled children of our nation are thriving while being victimized. Which path do you choose?

What is Labor Day?


New York City celebrated the first Labor Day on September 5, 1882.

Labor Day is a United States Federal holiday. Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. http://www.dol.gov/opa/aboutdol/laborday.htm

Labor Day takes on a different understanding today. Families are the center of our economy and our economy is broken. Of 303 million Americans, over 12 million Americans are unemployed. 10 million “working poor” families struggle to put food on their tables. 46 million people live in poverty.  A staggering 16 million children are growing up poor. And we, as nation, pay homage to a labor movement.

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